Hydrolytic lignin-based biosorbents

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By Альтернативные технологии
Биосорбенты из гидролизного лигнина
By Альтернативные технологии
Биосорбенты из гидролизного лигнина
By Альтернативные технологии
Биосорбенты из гидролизного лигнина
By Альтернативные технологии
Биосорбенты из гидролизного лигнина
By Альтернативные технологии
Биосорбенты из гидролизного лигнина
By Альтернативные технологии
Биосорбенты из гидролизного лигнина
By Альтернативные технологии
Биосорбенты из гидролизного лигнина
Hydrolytic lignin

Hydrolytic lignin

Lignin (from the Latin word “lignum” — wood) is a substance characterizing the stiffened walls of plant cells, i.e. a complex organic polymers that form important structural materials in the support tissues of vascular plants and some algae. Lignin is not an independent substance, but a mixture of aromatic polymers of related structure. Often lignin is defined as an oligomer, mainly consisting of phenylpropane monomers. Natural lignins are usually highly soluble in water, as well as in various organic and inorganic solvents. Hydrolytic lignin (HL) is formed as a result of hydrolysis of vegetable raw materials, under conditions of rigid thermochemical treatment, resulting in insolubleness in water, as well as poor or complete insolubleness in most common solvents. Hydrolytic lignin is a raw material for the production of granulated active coal, porous brick, fertilizers, acetic and oxalic acids, vanillin and various fillers. Also, HL is used to collect oil and oil products spills from water and solid surfaces. In medicine, HL is registered as an international nonproprietary name (Ligninumhydrolisatum, Ligninhydrolised) and is used as an intestinal sorbent. In veterinary medicine, hydrolytic lignin is used for similar purposes as an adsorbent of mycotoxins. In 2000 a plant for production of the lignin-based bioplastics called "Arboform" allowing multiple processing by melting was opened near Karlsruhe.

Hydrolytic lignin after processing in our production is

Collection of petroleum products

We have created a modern sorbent for collection of oil spills.

In details

Technologies for soil reclamation

Ecological biofuels

We have produced eco-friendly fuel for home and industrial needs.

Intestinal sorbent and adsorbents

We have produced effective medicines for humans and animals: medical intestinal sorbent and veterinary mycotoxin adsorbents.

In detail

And also

We sell ready washed hydrolytic lignin in the form of powder and commercial granules.

For Buyers

In the matter of purchase contact us by phone:

+7 (916) 629-28-68
+7 (916) 235-01-14

or by e - mail, our address:

Technologies for soil reclamation from oil products

Technologies for soil reclamation from oil products

According to expert estimates, annual oil losses in Russia reach 1.5-2.0% of the total volume of its production in the country.
Annually over 40 thousand accidents connected with oil and oil products spills happen in Russia, and the total area of the country territory contaminated with oil products exceeds 800 thousand hectares. Losses of oil and oil products only as a result of emergencies reach 20 million tons annually.


A number of technologies adapted to different types of contaminant and different environmental conditions have been developed. After chemical and microbiological analysis of the pollution area, one of the technologies is used. Activation of natural microorganisms in case of their large number in the soil or introduction of bacteria-destructors in the form of biological products with a number of useful properties is provided. As a result of long-term researches several special-purpose series of biological preparations based on unique microorganisms-destructors of oil hydrocarbons are developed on the basis of the selected bacteria. Mostly all bio-complexes have been used successfully under production-line conditions with confirmed effectiveness. Currently, works on bioremediation of soils in southern Kazakhstan are being carried out, where a complex specially designed for hot climatic zones is used for the first time.




This method makes it possible to reduce the residual content of contamination in the soil to the standard values within 2-3 months, while a sharp decrease of 60-70% is observed in the first few days due to sorption. Thus, a week after the introduction of the sorbent and bio-degradable complex into the soil and after controlling the concentration of residual contamination with oil products, it is possible to sow the soil with plants resistant to moderate concentrations of liquid hydrocarbons.

Conclusion of the Biological Chemistry and Microbial Physiology Institution of RAS for R&D: "Effectiveness of soil decontamination from petroleum hydrocarbons by introduction of lignin and biological product in a laboratory environment".
Lignin biosorbent

Lignin biosorbent

State-of-the-art technologies of oil pollution purification include the use of sorbent based on hydrolytic lignin for the removal of oil and oil products. Hydrolytic lignin is large-tonnage waste in the hydrolysis of wood. A certain amount of sorbent with the help of simple spray agents is evenly sprayed on the oil and oil products spot inside the fence or containment of the spot. As a result of the process of oil sorption, the duration of which depends on the thickness of the film, a paste-like mass is formed. This mass can be collected mechanically or transported to a convenient place for removal.

We produce and sell:

On the water

Unfractionated powder.

On the ground

Oil-absorbing mats.

For Buyers

In the matter of purchase contact us by phone:

+7 (916) 629-28-68
+7 (916) 235-01-14

or by e - mail, our address:

Natural intestinal sorbents and adsorbents

Natural intestinal sorbents and adsorbents

Hydrolytic lignin - based sorbent has the properties of natural intestinal sorbents, and consists of products of wood hydrolysis such as lignin oligomer, mainly consisting of phenylpropane groups and their derivatives, as well as the slight presence of hydrate cellulose. The sorbent can be used as a high-quality raw material for the preparation of biologically active additives and detoxifying drugs for exogenous and endogenous toxicoses of various origins. The product offered, "Biosorb-M" is the perfect choice for preparation of inexpensive and qualitative premixes and feed additives for a diet of farm animals, poultry and fish as effective adsorbent of mycotoxins of various origins. As studies show, activated hydrolytic lignin equally successfully copes with intoxication caused by groups of both "northern" and "southern" fungi. For example, the index of adsorption capacity to T-2 toxin is 70%.

We produce and sell:

Natural intestinal sorbents

Hydrolytic lignin - based natural sorbent is a raw material for the production of food and biologically active additives (BAA), as well as medical preparations such as intestinal sorbents, both in the form of mono-composite products and complex (mixed) products.

Mycotoxin adsorbent

We offer hydrolysis lignin of high purity as being a cheap and effective broad-spectrum adsorbent of mycotoxins in the form of feed additive to the diet of farm animals.

For buyers

In the matter of purchase contact us by phone:

+7 (916) 629-28-68
+7 (916) 235-01-14

or by e - mail, our address:

Our production

Our production








Russia, Moscow, 115093, Partiyny per., 1 / 57, bld. 3.

Phone /Fax: +7 (499) 685-1573

E-mail npkalteh@yandex.ru